Circulation Emergencies: Identification and Prevention

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This post on circulation emergencies is additional and comprehensive information that is supplemental to workplace approved first aid courses. Circulatory emergencies are covered in all of the first aid and CPR courses in Saskatoon offered through Saskatoon First Aid.

One of the leading causes of death in Canada is cardiovascular disease and it is extremely important to identify risk factors that can be controlled and do your best to avoid such factors. To start off, there are differences between a heart attack, angina and cardiac arrest. It is beneficial to recognize the early warning signs for any of these circulation emergencies. It is extremely important to recognize healthy lifestyle decisions in order to prevent circulation problems in the future. Whether the situation be a heart attack, angina or cardiac arrest, First Aid dictates specific steps in order to treat any people who just suffered from said attack. The proper use of an AED is extremely beneficial in such cases because it raises the rescue rate to 8%. If using just CPR, the rate of rescue is only 1-2%. There are different signs and symptoms in case the patient suffers from a stroke or a transient ischemic attack (also known as TIA). In terms of circulation emergencies, heavy external bleeding falls under the same umbrella. Our classes will help teach proper use and techniques in regards to bandages.

In addition, we will also cover internal deadly bleeding and the proper steps in order to treat such a case. The human body circulatory system contains a heart, blood and blood vessels. The purpose of the circulatory system is to work in conjunction with the respiratory system and carry oxygen to every cell in your human body. In addition to blood, it carries nutrients throughout the body and removes waste away from the cells. The heart is the body’s ‘engine’ and it helps pump blood throughout the body by a network of arteries. Oxygen-rich blood leaves the heart through arteries and returns through a network of veins. The regular heart beat of a human adult is 60-100 beats per minute. These topics and more are covered through our many CPR/AED classes held at First Aid Saskatoon where we offer comfortable courses at competitive rates.

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