Close look on bacterial pneumonia

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Bacterial pneumonia is characterized by the inflammation of the air sacs in the lungs. The condition might only involve one small area of the lung or can cover the entire lung. This makes it difficult for the body to move enough oxygen to the blood which causes the cells to function erratically.

What are the indications?

The usual indications of bacterial pneumonia include:

  • Cough with dense green, yellow or blood-streaked mucus
  • Stabbing chest pain that worsens while breathing or coughing
  • Abrupt onset of chills severe enough to make the individual shake
  • Fever up to 102-105 degrees F or higher

Other symptoms that might arise include:

Stabbing chest pain that worsens while breathing or coughing is one of the indications of bacterial pneumonia.
  • Muscle pain
  • Headache
  • Damp, pale skin
  • Breathlessness or rapid breathing
  • Appetite loss
  • Lethargy or severe fatigue
  • Confusion especially among the elderly
  • Sweating

The older adults have symptoms strikingly the same as younger adults but more likely to suffer from dizziness and confusion. In addition, older adults are less likely to have fever.

Management of bacterial pneumonia

In most cases, bacterial pneumonia can be treated at home using medications to prevent complications from a healthcare setting. A healthy individual might be able to recover within 1-3 weeks. An individual with a weak immune system might take a longer time to recover before he/she feels normal again.

Medical care

In some cases of bacterial pneumonia, hospitalization is required. Young children and elderly are usually given intravenous antibiotics and respiratory therapy.

In the healthcare facility, antibiotics are used to treat the specific type of bacteria responsible for pneumonia. The medications are administered intravenously along with fluids to prevent dehydration.


Bacterial pneumonia is not itself contagious, but the infection responsible is contagious. It can spread if an individual sneeze, coughs and when touching objects. Observing good hygiene is vital to prevent the spread of pneumonia or the risk of acquiring it.

More Information / Disclaimer

The information posted on this page on bacterial pneumonia is for learning purposes only. Learn to recognize and manage respiratory conditions including this type of pneumonia by taking a standard first aid course with Saskatoon First Aid.

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