Close look on diabetes joint pain

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Diabetes can damage the joints which is a condition known as diabetic arthropathy. The pain of this condition develops over time. It can be accompanied by other symptoms such as:

The joint pain brought about by diabetic arthropathy arises in various forms.

Why diabetes joint pain occurs?

Charcot’s joint

This condition arises if diabetic nerve damage results to the degeneration of the joint. The condition often affects the ankles and feet of individuals diagnosed with diabetes.

Remember that nerve damage in the feet is prevalent among diabetics, which can lead to Charcot’s joint. The loss of nerve function generally leads to numbness. If an individual walk on numb feet, he/she is likely to damage the ligaments without being aware of it. Pressure is placed on the joints which causes them to wear out.

Osteoarthritis is a prevalent form of arthritis. It can be triggered or aggravated by excess weight which is a usual issue among those with type 2 diabetes.


Osteoarthritis is a prevalent form of arthritis. It can be triggered or aggravated by excess weight which is a usual issue among those with type 2 diabetes. The condition is not directly linked to diabetes, but being overweight increases the risk of developing both osteoarthritis and type 2 diabetes.

Rheumatoid arthritis

This is an inflammatory ailment brought about by an autoimmune disease. Since type 1 diabetes is categorized as an autoimmune ailment, there might be a possible link between the 2 conditions.

Take note that both conditions even share inflammatory markers. Joint pain and swelling are the distinctive signs of rheumatoid arthritis.

What is the potential outlook?

The key in effectively dealing with diabetes joint pain is to detect it early. Even though these conditions could not be cured, there are available treatment options to lessen the pain and discomfort.

Get in touch with a doctor if there is redness, swelling, pain or numbness in the legs and feet. These signs necessitate further assessment by a doctor. If diagnosed with diabetes or might be at risk, a doctor should be consulted regarding risk factors for joint pain.

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