Flaxseed allergy: What are the indications?

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An individual with flaxseed allergy might experience undesirable symptoms. It is important to note that flaxseed is taken from the flax plant. Throughout the years, it has been utilized for its medicinal and nutritional properties with only a few reported side effects.

Those who have flaxseed allergy should avoid flaxseed oil or any member of the Linacea or Linum plant families.

Close look on the signs of flaxseed allergy

Digestive issues

Throughout the years, flaxseed has been utilized as a laxative due to its high fiber and mucilage content. If these combine with water, they expand to add bulk to the stool and allow it to move easily in the digestive tract.

The laxative effect of flaxseed can cause diarrhea, stomach pain and nausea if those with flaxseed allergy consume flaxseed or other related products.

The laxative effect of flaxseed can cause diarrhea, stomach pain and nausea if those with flaxseed allergy consume flaxseed or other related products. The allergic reactions and signs of food intolerance can be prevented by those with allergies, diverticulitis, irritable bowel syndrome or ulcerative colitis by avoiding any flaxseed products.

Consuming large amounts of flaxseed might cause the intestines to cease functioning. In addition, ground flaxseed can trigger flatulence but only for a brief period.

Shortness of breath

Flaxseed allergy or overdose might cause shortness of breath, weakness, rapid breathing, seizures, difficulty walking or paralysis.

Blood sugar level

Individuals who use prescription drugs must be careful in controlling the blood sugar levels. Those who have diabetes must be careful when taking any flaxseed products orally since the fatty acids might increase the blood sugar levels.


Flaxseed and flaxseed oil might heighten the risk for bleeding by causing a drop in the clotting ability of blood.

Individuals with bleeding disorders, using drugs that increases the risk for bleeding and individuals preparing for surgical, medical or dental procedures must be careful when using flaxseed products.

Those who have diabetes, using anticoagulants or anti-platelet drugs, individuals scheduled for surgery or have bleeding disorders must should not use flaxseed in any form without consulting a doctor.

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