How to treat broken blood vessels in the eye

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If an individual has a broken blood vessel in the eye, all it takes is time since it typically heals up on its own. There are various causes why blood vessels in the eyes break up. The individual might sustained an injury or a condition that resulted to a broken blood vessel. There are also ways in order to prevent one from occurring.

Causes why blood vessels in the eye break

Subconjunctival hemorrhage

Once a blood vessel bursts in the eye, it is called as subconjunctival hemorrhage. This occurs if a blood vessel under the clear surface of the eye breaks. The clear part of the eye which is known as the conjunctiva could not absorb the blood quickly, thus the blood is trapped under this area. This is why the eye appears to have a red colored spot that can last for up to 2 weeks. Always remember that this type of eye condition clears up on its own and does not require medical attention.


A direct blow or contact to the eye due to an injury can cause the blood vessels to burst. This can involve a minor bump on the eye or even severe injury such as being struck in the eye with a pointed object.

Broken blood vessel in eye
A direct blow or contact to the eye due to an injury can cause the blood vessels to burst.


In most cases, a blood vessel in the eye bursts due to strain. Take note that this strain can be brought about by regular bodily functions such as vomiting, sneezing or coughing. Additionally, the blood vessels can also break due to strenuous exercise or heavy weightlifting.

Red eye

Red eye typically involves the swelling of the blood vessels in the eye since they retain more blood than normal. This condition can occur due to fatigue, glaucoma, infection, allergic reaction and other serious conditions. Those who have this condition must consult a doctor if pain, discharge from the eye, clouded cornea or loss of vision is noted.

Blood in the eye

Once blood appears in the eye between the cornea and the pupil, this is called as hyphema. The condition can indicate that glaucoma will occur that can lead to complete loss of vision. This would require immediate emergency care.

Diabetic eye disease

Individuals who are diabetic can suffer from an eye disease that is characterized by the breakage of small blood vessels in the eye. The condition will cause an immediate loss of vision in the affected eye. Due to this, it is important to visit an eye doctor on a regular basis to prevent the onset of this condition.

Treatment for broken blood vessels in the eye

If a blood vessel in the eye breaks, it can resolve on its own in 10-14 days. There is no medication required to heal the condition and there is no known way to speed up the healing process. The eye only needs time to absorb the blood from the blood vessel the burst. In case there is discomfort or a scratchy sensation, eye drops or artificial tears can be used to soothe the symptoms.

Preventive measures

Initially, you have to instruct the individual to avoid activities that will strain on the body. This will help prevent the blood vessels from bursting due to trauma. Additionally, individuals who use blood thinning medications will increase the risk of burst blood vessels.

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