Management of a greenstick wrist fracture

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A greenstick wrist fracture is unique among children and the most common type. Remember that fractures among children are different from children due to anatomical and physiological variances in the developing skeleton. Remember that bones of children are softer and porous than adults. This is the reason why they have different fracture patterns.

Does my child have a fracture?

A greenstick wrist fracture involves a partial break in the bone. As stated earlier, children have softer and flexible bones than adults, thus they are likely to bend than fully break.

A greenstick fracture might not be evident as with other fractures. Since the bone does not fully break, the extremity might have normal shape and size. The child might complain of pain once the site is touched and guarding behavior occurs and complains of pain during movement.


Greenstick wrist fracture
The child might complain of pain once the site is touched and guarding behavior occurs and complains of pain during movement.

The usual treatment for a greenstick wrist fracture carried out in a healthcare facility is splinting. The splint might be made from plaster or fiberglass that is molded to the extremity of the child.

Remember that a splint is different from a cast. A cast wraps entirely around the extremity while a splint functions as a half cast wrapped using an elastic bandage to secure it in place.

There are some pre-made splints available but they do not properly fit and results to poor immobilization of the fracture. When a splint is applied, the individual is instructed to follow-up with a specialist for further evaluation. The individual is instructed to apply an ice pack and keep the extremity elevated in an intermittent manner during the initial days after the injury. In addition, medications are given to ease the pain and swelling.

Healing process

The healing of bone occurs over weeks or take several months. A greenstick wrist fracture typically heals in a faster rate than a bone that was broken entirely. The doctor will check the individual periodically to check the rate of healing. Repeated X-rays are performed to monitor the healing process.

Disclaimer / More Information

The information posted on this page on a greenstick wrist fracture is for learning and educational purposes only. To learn to manage a broken bones including a greenstick wrist fracture, register for first aid training at one of our training centers located throughout Canada. The training centers are located in Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver, Kelowna, Surrey, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Toronto, Ottawa and Halifax.

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