Rotator cuff disorders

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The rotator cuff is a set of sturdy, muscles and flexible fibers in the shoulder. Disorders affecting the rotator cuff occur once the tissues within the shoulder are irritated or damaged. The common disorders include the following:

  • Tendinitis or bursitis
  • Impingement
  • Partial or full tears on the rotator cuff tendons
  • Buildup of calcium in the tendons which leads to calcific tendinitis

The rotator cuff is responsible for keeping the upper arm bone in the shoulder socket and allows raising and twisting the arm.

Usual causes of rotator cuff disorders

Most cases of rotator cuff disorders are brought about by a combination of the following:

  • Daily wear and tear
  • Overuse

It is important to note that significant force is required to damage a strong rotator cuff tendon. This is likely to occur during vehicular accidents, sports or a severe fall.

What are the indications?

Rotator cuff disorders
The indications of a rotator cuff disorder include pain and weakness in the shoulder.

The indications of a rotator cuff disorder include pain and weakness in the shoulder. In most cases, the pain is only on one side and front of the upper arm and shoulder.

There is discomfort while performing daily tasks such as reaching for objects, combing the hair or tucking in a shirt. In addition, there is also pain during night time and the individual has difficulty sleeping.


It is essential to treat a rotator cuff disorder as soon as possible. If not treated, the shoulder might weaken and the individual could no longer lift the arm.

In most cases, the doctor will recommend these measures first:

  • Allow the shoulder to rest. The affected arm can be used but in a careful manner. A sling or brace should not be used since this can lead to stiffness or even frozen shoulder.
  • Apply an ice or heat pack on the shoulder.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs can be given to reduce the pain, swelling and inflammation.
  • Avoid positions or activities that cause discomfort such as reaching overhead or lifting.

Physiotherapy might be recommended by the doctor. This aims to reduce the pain as well as strengthen and keep the shoulder flexible. The individual will learn exercises to stretch and strengthen the shoulder so that they can be done at home.

If these treatment options fail, the doctor might administer steroid shots. The shots work by reducing the pain and inflammation so that the individual can perform exercises to strengthen the joint.

Quick Note / Disclaimer

The material posted on this page on rotator cuff disorders is for learning and educational purposes only. To learn to recognize and manage joint conditions, register for a first aid and CPR course with Saskatoon First Aid.

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