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Sarcoidosis is a form of inflammation that arises in different parts of the body for no evident reason. Luckily, the condition is not contagious. Generally, if foreign substances or microorganisms enter the body, the immune system responds by activating the immune response.

Inflammation is a usual part of the immune response but it must settle once the foreign substance or microorganisms are gone. If an individual has sarcoidosis, the inflammation persists and some of the immune cells develop irregular clumps of tissue known as granulomas.


The indications usually depend on the organ involved. Sarcoidosis is likely to develop in the lungs but also affect the eyes, skin, liver or lymph nodes.

The common symptoms of sarcoidosis include the following:

If an individual has sarcoidosis, the inflammation persists and some of the immune cells develop irregular clumps of tissue known as granulomas.
  • Cough
  • Chest pain or pressure
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Joint pain
  • Hair loss
  • Kidney stones
  • Night sweats
  • Malaise or lethargy
  • Shortness of breath
  • Skin lesions
  • Wheezing
  • Unexplained weight loss

What are the risk factors?

  • Allergies and asthma
  • Women
  • Family history of sarcoidosis
  • Exposure to building, gardening or hardware materials
  • Being exposed to smoke and fumes from fire
  • Exposure to pesticides, insecticides, agricultural dust or mold


The main objective for sarcoidosis is to reduce the inflammation and size of the granulomas. The treatment can also help minimize the symptoms, improve organ function and prevent scarring of the lungs. The treatment is based on the severity and site of the sarcoidosis.

The commonly used treatment options for sarcoidosis include:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Pain medications such as ibuprofen and aspirin
  • Bronchodilators work by opening the breathing passages
  • Immunosuppressive agents such as methotrexate
  • Corticosteroids such as prednisone

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