Stomach pain: Is turkey a possible trigger?

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The stomach pain that occurs after consuming turkey might seem uncommon, but can occur if an individual is highly sensitive to the meat, has intolerance or food poisoning. Always bear in mind that stomach pain or cramping is the initial symptom of a bodily reaction.

If the individual experiences repeated episodes of stomach pain after eating turkey, he/she is likely allergic or intolerant to the turkey itself or one of the ingredients used in preparing the turkey. If the stomach cramps is an isolated case, it might be food poisoning. A doctor should be consulted so that further assessment can be carried out to determine the exact cause of the discomfort.

Allergy to turkey

Stomach pain
If the individual develops food poisoning, the symptoms can progress to diarrhea, vomiting, intense stomach pain and cramping for 1-10 days.

Even though it seems unusual, an individual might be allergic to turkey. In most cases of food allergies, they are triggered by hypersensitivity to proteins in a particular food.

Once an individual is allergic to turkey, the reaction is likely linked to hypersensitivity to the carbohydrates present in the meat. When the individual eats turkey, the immune system perceives the carbohydrates as a threat, even though they are actually safe. This bodily response initiates other chemicals to react in the body which results to the usual symptoms such as stomach pain, cramping and diarrhea.

Intolerance to turkey

An individual might be intolerant to turkey. In such circumstances, the digestive tract has a hard time digesting the proteins present in the meat. Remember that an enzyme is required to properly break down the proteins and sugars for proper absorption in the body. When the individual lacks this required enzyme, swelling and inflammation manifests which results to bloating, stomach pain, nausea, cramping and diarrhea.

Possibility of food poisoning

In an isolated case in which an individual develops stomach pain 4-36 hours after eating turkey, it might be linked to food poisoning. Always bear in mind that food poisoning occurs once the individual eats food that has been contaminated by an infectious organism such as bacteria, virus, parasite or toxin.

Poorly cooked, mishandled or turkey that has been left in room temperature for extended periods allows the growth of these infectious organisms. If the individual develops food poisoning, the symptoms can progress to diarrhea, vomiting, intense stomach pain and cramping for 1-10 days.

It is vital to take into consideration the other foods, spices and condiments utilized in preparing a turkey dish. The individual might experience a reaction to the other ingredients.

The usual food allergens include eggs, wheat, peanuts, soy, dairy and tree nuts. When it comes to processed turkey, it might contain monosodium glutamate (MSG) which is a food additive that can trigger detrimental reactions in some individuals.

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