What are the foods capable of causing tendonitis?

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Tendonitis is an overuse injury that involves sore swelling in a tendon as well as the neighboring tissues and good examples include wrist tendinitis, tennis elbow and Achilles tendonitis. The possible causes can include working in a poorly designed work area, incorrect techniques in sports and overtraining. On the other hand, it is important to note that there are certain foods that might increase the risk for developing tendonitis since it is an inflammatory disease. Remember that a healthy diet can help reduce the inflammation linked with this condition.

Fatty meats

Fatty meats and full-fat dairy products can increase the risk for the development of tendonitis due to the high content of saturated fat and cholesterol which increases the levels of chronic inflammation.

It is vital to minimize intake of pork and beef with visible fat, dark-meat poultry with skin as well as whole milk. The individual should choose lean proteins such as beans, chicken breast, egg whites and low-fat or fat-free milk, yogurt and cheese. As for seafood, they might minimize the risk for tendonitis due to the omega-3 fatty acids.

The possible causes can include working in a poorly designed work area, incorrect techniques in sports and overtraining.

Refined grains

Consuming large amounts of refined grains can potentially lead to tendonitis due to the high glycemic index. It simply means that they can cause spikes in the blood sugar levels after consumption. Take note that a high-glycemic diet can increase the inflammation as well as the risk for developing tendonitis as well as resulting to weight gain and diabetes. The individual should try to replace white pasta, white bread and refined cereals with oatmeal, whole-wheat bread, brown rice or barley.


Baked goods and candies such as cookies, cakes, ice cream and pastries can increase the risk for tendonitis since they are considered as sources of empty calories. A diet that includes high-calorie foods that does not contain any essential nutrients can lead to unwanted weight gain to the individual. In addition, these foods can replace the healthy foods that provide anti-inflammatory nutrients to the diet. The anti-inflammatory nutrients that are present in vegetables and fruits include carotenoids, vitamin C and even dietary fiber.

Caloric beverages

Remember that obesity is a risk factor for tendonitis since it increases the strain or stress on the joints. Caloric beverages can result to weight gain since their calories are not filling unlike with calories from solid foods. Beverages sweetened with sugar such as regular soft drinks, sugary fruit beverages, sports beverages and energy drinks are top sources of calories.

If an individual believes that he/she is at risk for developing tendonitis, it is vital to take into consideration the foods that must be avoided. The foods stated can increase the likelihood for tendonitis to develop.

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