Indications of a stiff neck

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The symptoms of a stiff neck typically include pain, soreness and difficulty turning the head. The individual will also suffer from headaches along with arm or shoulder pain along with stiff neck. In most cases, a stiff neck can develop due to a muscle strain and typically vanishes in a few days with proper care and rest. Nevertheless, a stiff neck can also indicate an infection or serious damage to the spine. With this in mind, a doctor should be consulted so that proper assessment and treatment can be carried out.

Muscle strain

A stiff neck due to a muscle strain typically involves tightness or sprains involving the levator scapula muscle. This muscle connects from the upper four vertebrae of the cervical spine to the scapula. The causes of neck strain include poor posture, sleeping in a wrong position, sports injuries, stress tension and constant neck movements. This can be managed with the application of heat or cold, over-the-counter pain medications, massage and proper rest. You can learn more about the management of this condition if you will enroll in a first aid class today.

Stiff neck
A stiff neck due to a muscle strain typically involves tightness or sprains involving the levator scapula muscle.


If the individual has high fever, confusion, headache, nausea and vomiting as well as sleepiness along with a stiff neck, it indicates a condition called as meningitis. The condition involves the inflammation and swelling in the membranes that surround the brain and spinal column. A bacteria, virus or fungal infection can lead to meningitis which requires immediate medical care.

The treatment for meningitis includes antibiotics for bacterial infections as well as supportive care such as the administration of intravenous fluids. In some circumstances, surgery might be required to prevent damage on the brain.

Slipped disc

If the individual experiences tingling or numbness along with stiff neck, it simply indicates a slipped disc. Always bear in mind that a slipped disc typically involves the displacement as well as the rupture in the connective tissue pads in between each vertebrae.

The doctor will treat herniated discs with physical therapy, pain medications, application of heat and oftentimes, surgery is also required. In most cases, the neck pain from a slipped disc will lead to displaced nerves instead of the rupturing of the tissue.

Disorders of the spine

Spinal stenosis, whiplash and osteoarthritis can also cause pain and stiff neck. When it comes to whiplash, it occurs when the neck moves forward and backward abruptly during a vehicular accident or any traumatic event. The pain can also occur from stretched joints and ligaments and usually managed with a neck brace, pain medications and physical therapy. As for spinal stenosis, it involves the narrowing of the spinal column that adds pressure on the nerves and tends to occur frequently with age. Lastly, osteoarthritis involves damage on the joint that results from aging as well as wear and tear.

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