Diabetes is a medical condition where the body could not properly utilize insulin which is a chemical released by the pancreas responsible for managing blood glucose in the body. It is important to note that the body utilizes blood glucose for energy and fuel.
Individuals who are diabetic require proper management of the blood glucose levels as directed by the doctor by administering insulin medications and a proper diet. A diabetic reaction can occur if the blood sugar level is too high or too low which act as warning indication that additional treatment might be needed.
Changes in the skin
The physical response to high or low blood sugar can be detected in the skin. Those who have diabetes who suffer from low blood sugar can experience clammy, cool skin that is moist and even covered in cold sweat. This reaction usually manifests if the blood sugar has been low for several hours and can coincide with changes in the mental status. If the blood sugar level is high, it can result to dry, hot and flushed skin.
Changes in the mental status
The brain depends on the blood sugar as fuel for proper functioning. Diabetic individuals who suffer from inadequate sugar levels often experience changes in the mental status since the brain chemistry is altered by the change in the blood sugar level.
Remember that both high blood sugar and low blood sugar can instigate mental changes. Abrupt crying, confusion or emotional changes can occur with low blood sugar. If not treated, a diabetic individual can become aggressive, agitated and even violent as the brain struggles to work with lack of blood sugar fuel.

As for high blood sugar, it can cause blurry vision, diminished mental awareness and headaches. Loss of consciousness can also occur if either low or high blood sugar levels are not managed properly at the initial sign of mental change. It is vital for diabetics to discuss the symptoms of low blood sugar with family members or friends who can help recognize if a reaction is taking place.
Fatigue can set in if the blood sugar levels are unbalanced. Remember that both low and high blood sugar levels can cause a feeling of exhaustion beyond what a diabetic normally suffers from and accompanied by a feeling of shakiness or being out of balance. Fatigue can also indicate that the blood sugar level has been out of balance for some time and requires a blood sugar check to ensure if the levels are suitable.
Unusual blood sugar level
An individual suffering from diabetes should consult a doctor in order to determine the suitable blood sugar level. It is important to note that the blood sugar level that is low or high in contrast to the recommended level can indicate that the body could not utilized insulin effectively and a reaction is taking place.