How to deal with foot fungus in children

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Foot fungus is considered common among children. Once a child develops the uncomfortable rash on the feet, it can be annoying. Nevertheless, since skin issues on the feet can originate from various causes, it is best to set an appointment with a doctor before attempting to self-treat the condition at home.

What are the symptoms of foot fungus?

The indicative symptom of foot fungus among children is an itchy rash that develops in between the toes. The skin between the toes usually becomes reddened, scaly and cracked or can develop a cheese-like appearance.

If foot fungus is left untreated, it often spreads to the instep and spreads to the toenails. The foot fungus also produces a foul odor. Once the child scratches the rash, it can become damp and raw in appearance.

Possible causes

The fungal infections that develop in the foot can spread via direct contact. Remember that this often occurs once a child walks barefooted in an area where an infected individual has previously walked on.

The fungus is capable of surviving in moist places but it is often acquired in public showers, locker rooms or pool areas. Another way in which a child can acquire foot fungus is by sharing towels with someone who has the infection. Nevertheless, even if exposed to the fungus, a child can only develop athlete’s foot if the feet are also moist.

Foot fungus
Children must be instructed to dry their feet carefully after showering, bathing or swimming.

Management of foot fungus

The main treatment for foot fungus in children involves the application of cream or powder on the affected foot to eliminate the fungus. The doctor might recommend a specific brand that is suitable for the infection and age of the child.

If topical solutions do not work, the doctor might prescribe an oral medication to eliminate the fungus. Depending on the method used, you have to keep his/her feet dry and avoid walking barefoot as much as possible during treatment. Remember that fungus could not thrive in airy or dry conditions.

Preventive measures

Since the fungus that infects the feet requires moisture, keeping the feet dry and clean is essential in preventing the infection. Children must be instructed to dry their feet carefully after showering, bathing or swimming.

It is also recommended to wear loose shoes and change socks frequently to prevent the feet from becoming sweaty. Always bear in mind that preventing exposure to fungus that infects the feet is vital, thus children should use flip flops or other footwear while at public showers, pools or locker rooms.

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