An abdominal strain is described as an injury involving the rectus abdominus or anterior muscle of the abdomen but can also involve the obliques or adjacent muscles. In most cases, an abdominal strain causes abrupt pain where the individual finds it difficult to bend or tighten the muscle.
There is immediate pain if the individual attempts to perform an abdominal crunch or bending down to reach the toes. In some cases, the pain is accompanied by muscle spasms or swelling. Take note that the severity of an abdominal strain is categorized in three grades – grade 1 (mild strain, grade 2 (moderate strain) and grade 3 (severe strain).
Who are at risk for an abdominal strain?
Even though individuals who engage in contact sports such as football or weightlifting are more prone to develop this type of injury, even those who do not engage in such activities can end up with an abdominal strain.

A strain can occur if an individual lifts a heavy object incorrectly. Once a particular movement such as lifting a heavy box is performed without using the correct form, it can result to an abdominal strain.
How to deal with an abdominal strain
The treatment for abdominal strains is quite simple since it only requires rest and application of an ice pack. In most cases, compression can be used to limit movement. Some individuals take ibuprofen to minimize any possible swelling.
Mild stretching can also help but it should be stopped if the individual starts to experience pain. As for severe injuries, it is vital to seek immediate medical care. The doctor will assess the injury and provide an accurate diagnosis. In most cases, the individual is referred to a physical therapy for rehabilitation. In addition, steroid injections or even surgery might be considered if the abdominal strain persists.
Daily activities
Many individuals might be impatient in returning to normal activities. The time span required to eliminate an abdominal strain usually depends on the severity of the injury as well as response to the treatment.
The recovery usually takes weeks or months. The best way to determine if the injury is completely healed is to check if the individual can touch his/her toes or perform a crunch without any pain. Always bear in mind that returning to activity early might result to straining of the abdomen again that can make the condition worse.
Preventing an abdominal strain
An individual should find ways to prevent abdominal strains from occurring in the first place. The abdominals should be toned by performing regular exercises such as crunches, sit-ups or using an abdominal machine.
The core muscles should also be strengthened which not only includes the abdominals but also the lower back as well. If a stability ball is available, it can be used.
When lifting objects, you have to utilize the legs and keep the back straight with the object held close to the body. Always stretch before engaging in any physical activity by holding one arm over the head and bending at the waist as far as possible to one side and the other.