The arm pain caused by a pinched nerve is often the result of nerve compression in the cervical region. It is important to note that the nerves in the arms exit out of the spine via the neck. Once any of these nerves become pinched due to swelling, degenerative changes or a slipped disc, pain can spread down one or both arms. Depending on the cause, the treatment is usually conservative or might require surgery.
Cold therapy
The initial form of treatment for arm pain due to a pinched nerve is to apply an ice pack over the area where the neck and shoulder meet. The ice pack should stay in place for about 20 minutes. In case the individual finds it uncomfortable, add a layer of clean cloth or towel between the ice pack and the skin. This should reduce the initial swelling in and around the soft issues.

Anti-inflammatory medications
Provide the individual with over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications such as naproxen or ibuprofen. Aside from the application of ice, anti-inflammatory medications can also minimize the arm pain due to the pinched nerve. The medication will not only reduce the swelling, but also help relieve some of the pain from the pinched nerve.
Pain medications
If the arm pain could not be relieved by the application of ice or anti-inflammatory medications, a stronger pain medication can be used such as stronger muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatory drugs. A doctor should be consulted so that the right pain medication can be prescribed. In case of intense pain, the doctor might prescribe narcotics temporarily.
Steroid injections
In some cases, the arm pain due to a pinched nerve might be too severe to be properly managed with medications alone. The next line of treatment that the doctor will suggest is a steroid injection into the area where the nerve is pinched. Cortisone is usually injected to the neck or shoulder area. The steroid injections are more effective in managing pain and minimizing the swelling than the usual medications.
Physical therapy
Consulting a physical therapist is also recommended. The therapy involves various modalities to manage the arm pain such as massage, stretching and manual therapy to relax the tense muscles in the arm and neck. In some cases, deep heat or ice, electrical stimulation or ultrasound can be used.
Surgery is usually the last resort. Most cases of arm pain due to a pinched nerve typically resolve within 4-6 weeks with conservative treatments. On the other hand, some cases would require surgery. Take note that this is uncommon and the doctor will try out other methods before resorting to surgery.
It is important to note that some of the treatment options stated might be carried out together or in a different order. This usually depends on the severity of the condition. The doctor will advise the individual on the suitable treatments for the arm pain.