B.C. parents support mandatory face masks for back-to-school

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Parents in B.C. overwhelmingly support children having to wear non-medical face masks when school returns in September. This information was based on a new national poll.

Around 73% of respondents in the province stated that they are in favor of the requirement. B.C and Ontario tied for the most support while Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba had the least at 47%.

Parents in B.C. overwhelmingly support children having to wear non-medical face masks when school returns in September.

Overall, 62% of Canadians support the idea of children wearing face masks when back in school. The 41% stated that they support students wearing face masks at all times at school or on a school bus. An additional 21% support it but only outside of class and on a bus.


Check out the available face masks for sales by visiting our face mask sale page.

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