Calcium hydroxide is the product of water and calcium oxide. It is characterized by its strong base pH and has various purposes. Remember though that calcium hydroxide is also toxic and can trigger significant health issues if exposed.
Unintentional ingestion of calcium hydroxide can trigger intense throat pain, abdominal pain, burning sensation in the mouth, blood-streaked vomit or stool, rapid drop in the blood pressure, vomiting and collapse.
This form of poisoning might also cause excess alkalinity of the blood pH that can lead to organ damage. Poison control or emergency assistance must be consulted right away if calcium hydroxide was accidentally ingested. Unless the individual is vomiting or has symptoms that makes swallowing hard or directed otherwise by the doctor, provide water or milk to drink.

External exposure to calcium hydroxide
External contact to calcium hydroxide can trigger various issues depending on the site that was exposed and strength of the solution.
If the skin was exposed, it might result to burns, sore irritation and necrosis. In case the eyes are exposed, it results to intense pain and visual loss that might be brief or permanent.
If calcium hydroxide was exposed to the skin, contaminated clothing must be removed and any excess chemical must be wiped out and the skin is flushed repeatedly with water.
Those with eye exposure must flush the eyes using water continuously during the initial 15 minutes but all cases of external exposure must receive immediate care.
The inhalation of calcium hydroxide via the nose or mouth can result to immediate, sore and potentially dangerous complications. The nasal and throat passages might become swollen and painful and the swelling can limit the airways which makes breathing difficult or impossible.
Once the calcium hydroxide particles are transported to the lungs, it can further complicate breathing. Those who are exposed must be taken to an environment with fresh air and emergency care must be consulted right away. Oxygen therapy along with respiratory assistance might be necessary.
More Information / Disclaimer
The information posted on this page on the dangers of calcium hydroxide is for learning purposes only. Learn more about the dangers of this substance by taking a standard first aid course with Saskatoon First Aid.