Pistachios are described as small tree nuts that belong to the mango nut family along with cashews. An allergy to pistachio usually develops early in life and often lasts all throughout the lifetime of the individual. Even small traces of pistachio can trigger the symptoms such as rashes and itchy skin.
Hives is basically a skin condition in which the individual experiences itchy skin usually triggered by an allergic reaction. The hives are itchy, elevated, red-colored welts that can spread, change shape or even disappear and reappear in a span of minutes or hours. The hives can also occur around the hands but also on the mouth, back, stomach and other parts of the body. The other symptoms of pistachio allergy include watery eyes, blotchy red skin, choking, coughing, nausea, difficulty breathing, diarrhea and vomiting.
Eczema is described as a skin rash that tends to worsen if an individual is allergic to nuts. This condition is also called as atopic dermatitis which is an itchy inflammation of the skin connected with small-sized, elevated bumps that tends to ooze and crust once they are scathed. Take note that this skin condition usually occurs on the arms and area behind the knees.

Treatment for itchy hands
A mild case of hives can disappear on its own and do not require any form of treatment. When handling the itchiness, the individual must avoid baths and showers as well as avoid wearing any irritating clothing. In some cases, the swelling and itchiness can be reduced by providing over-the-counter antihistamine pills or creams.
As for eczema, the first aid measure is to apply hypoallergenic lotions on the affected area as well as using antihistamines, anti-itch creams as well as eliminating any possible allergens from the diet. As for severe cases, the doctor can prescribe a steroid cream to help ease the symptoms. Sometimes, hives can trigger a serious allergic reaction that can lead to the swelling of the throat and block the airways. This can be treated with an injectable epinephrine or steroids. Just remember that if the individual experiences any breathing difficulties, it is vital to bring him/her to the hospital.
Preventive measures
The ideal way to prevent an allergic reaction is to avoid all foods that contain pistachios and cashews. The individual might not be able to eat other nuts that belong to other nut families such as pecans, walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts. Nevertheless, in some cases, the individual might be allergic to more than a single nut family, thus it is important to avoid all these nuts.
The possible sources of pistachios and other nuts include candy, chocolate, donuts, candies, trail mix, ice cream, granola, muesli, specialty coffee and even skin products. Additionally, foods that are manufactured in factories that also process nuts might be contaminated with nuts and must be avoided. It is also important to read carefully all the food labels to avoid those that might contain pistachio.