The swelling and inflammation are the usual symptoms of seafood allergies. Even though the swelling typically occurs on the skin, lungs and sinuses, if the individual has any joint issues such as arthritis, he/she can end up with joint pain.
Seafood allergies are erratic immune system reactions to the proteins present in different types of fish. In case an individual is highly sensitive to one type of seafood, he/she might be allergic to other kinds of fish as well. With this in mind, a doctor should be consulted so that proper assessment can be carried out as well as provide the appropriate treatment.
Close look on seafood allergies
Most cases of seafood allergies usually last for a lifetime without any known cure. The exact cause of the allergic reaction is the presence of protein in the flesh of fish or other type of seafood.
An individual might also be allergic to certain proteins in the skin or bones of seafood which are commonly used in creating gelatin. Some can experience an allergic reaction while using fish oil supplement, yet most supplements do not contain any fish proteins. If an individual is allergic to one type of seafood, he/she is at high risk to be allergic to another type.

Why joint pain occurs?
Always bear in mind that joint pain is not a typical symptom of seafood allergy, but it might occur specifically among those who already have joint problems. Any immune system reaction that triggers the release of histamine can cause joint pain.
Histamine is the natural chemical present in the body that protects it from diseases and infection, but during an allergic reaction, it causes inflammation and swelling in the soft tissues. In case histamine is released in the soft tissues in the joints, it will surely cause joint pain due to the excess pressure and inflammation.
An effective way to manage seafood allergies that causes joint pain is to determine which seafood triggers an allergic reaction in the body and avoid it. The usual seafood products that instigates an allergic response includes, but not limited to the following:
- Mahi mahi
- Pike
- Perch
- Bass
- Flounder
- Anchovies
- Tuna
- Swordfish
- Cod
- Salmon
- Catfish
The usual shellfish that are capable of triggering allergic reactions include lobster, crab, shrimp and clams. In addition, the individual should carefully read the labels of pre-packaged foods to ensure that products eaten do not contain any fish proteins.
If an individual consumes seafood unintentionally, you can readily manage the symptoms of a mild allergic reaction with an antihistamine. As for the joint pain, it is treated using pain medications to minimize the pain and swelling.
An individual with a known seafood allergy should consult a doctor so that a prescription for epinephrine can be given in case of emergencies. Once this medication is used, it can effectively prevent any complications from developing as well as manage anaphylactic shock which is a severe allergic reaction.