Chronic ear popping can be triggered by various conditions. It is important to note that air pressure within the ear must be equal to the air pressure outside. This pressure is equalized by the Eustachian tube which works by ventilating the ear so that the air pressure is equalized when needed especially when changing altitudes. It also assists in draining excess fluid from the ear to prevent infections.
Once the pressure is unequal, the ear popping occurs briefly. This popping sound is produced as the Eustachian tube opens to equalize the pressure.
Can allergies cause chronic ear popping?
Once the Eustachian tube is blocked, there is likelihood for chronic ear popping to occur. This can occur with allergies, upper respiratory infections or sinus infections.
In case techniques such as chewing gum, yawning or swallowing could not alleviate the pressure, the individual should gargle warm saltwater.

The ear popping might worsen if fluid accumulates at the back of the eardrum or if the eardrum is tugged inwards. At this phase, prescription-strength antihistamines, decongestants and antibiotics might be necessary or drainage of fluid is performed.
Ruptured eardrum
The eardrum has a vital role in interpreting sounds as well as protecting it from ear infections. In case a tear forms in the eardrum, mild or severe symptoms might arise.
Ear popping might arise along with pain, drainage of pus and tinnitus. Other complications that might arise include dizziness and hearing loss. In most cases of a ruptured eardrum, it heals on its own within weeks. If it does not heal, a patch might be placed surgically on the eardrum to seal off the hole.