An ice pack is a widely used and effective treatment in alleviating the pain and inflammation due to minor injuries. The cold or ice packs are available in various forms such as gel packs and packets that are designed to turn cold instantly without requiring freezing. You can even prepare your own pack by wrapping an ice pack using a clean towel or cloth.
When should I use an ice pack?
Once an individual sustained a sprain or twisted the ankle, it requires an ice pack. Even insect bites, bruises and repetitive strain injuries particularly tendinitis are effectively managed using cold.
Always bear in mind that cold therapy can even help those who have muscle spasms, whiplash and even various forms of arthritis.
How does it work?

An ice pack is effective in minimizing the swelling as well as numbing the pain. An injury becomes swollen since fluid seeps from the blood vessels. The cold causes the blood vessels to constrict. The reduced fluid that leaks from the blood vessels cuts down the swelling. Additionally, cold also reduces the inflammation and muscle spasms which are 2 usual sources of pain.
The earlier an ice pack is applied to a strain or sprain, the sooner it can work on minimizing the pain and swelling. When it comes to chronic issues such as low back pain or muscle spasms, apply a pack once the symptoms start.
How long should I use one?
Generally, apply an ice pack over a period of 24-72 hours. Apply the pack at 20 minutes at a time every 2-4 hours. Once the skin starts to feel numb, it is time to give a break to the area by removing the pack.
Extended, direct contact with cold can result to skin and nerve damage. With this in mind, it is vital to ensure that the ice pack is wrapped with a clean cloth or towel. If the individual has poor circulation, diabetes or disorders affecting the blood vessels such as Raynaud’s disease or vasculitis, a doctor should be consulted before using a pack.
More Information / Disclaimer
The information posted on this page on ice packs is for learning purposes only. Learn to properly manage injuries using ice packs by taking a standard first aid course with Saskatoon First Aid.