The H. pylori are bacteria that can trigger digestive issues such as heartburn, gastritis, bloating and nausea. It can also cause the formation of raw sores or ulcers in the stomach and intestines.
The H. pylori bacteria can spread via contact with infected bowel movements or saliva. The infection is likely to spread when sharing food and bathrooms as well as those who live together.
What are the signs?
Generally, an individual with the H. pylori infection does not have any symptoms. If the symptoms manifest, it might include:

- Nausea and/or vomiting
- Dull or burning stomach pain
- Diarrhea
- Heartburn
- Belching or burping
Management of H. pylori infection
If the individual does not have any symptoms, treatment is not necessary. In case there are symptoms, the doctor might prescribe:
- Antibiotics to deal with H. pylori
- Drugs that coat and protects the stomach lining and upper intestine from the stomach acid
- Medications to lower the acidity of the stomach
The signs of H. pylori infection generally settle after a few days after starting medications. It is important to note that the symptoms might recur if the individual is infected again.
Some of the self-care measures include the following:
- Take the prescribed drugs as instructed
- The diet suggested by the doctor must be strictly followed. Avoid any food or beverages that can irritate the stomach such as acidic foods, spicy foods and caffeinated or carbonated beverages.
- Avoid cigarettes, alcohol and chewing on tobacco since they slow down the healing of the ulcers.
- The individual should consult the doctor if NSAIDs can be used for pain relief.