If an individual has psoriasis, it is characterized by red, elevated skin lesions, itchy skin, silvery scales and dry skin caused by the abnormal fast turnover of the skin cells. The immune system is responsible for the damage on the skin and it is a chronic condition that can be managed, but not cured. On the other hand, how the condition is connected to the heart has baffled many.
Everybody should take into consideration certain steps in order to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system. Nevertheless, those who have psoriasis must be careful due to the connection between the skin condition and an increased risk for heart attack. If you want to properly manage this condition, read here.
What is the connection?
When it comes to psoriasis, the immune system overly reacts to an apparent threat, prompting inflammation all over the body. The inflammation can manifest in various ways including reddened patches of skin and psoriatic arthritis symptoms that can include inflammation of the eyelid lining and conjunctivitis.

The blood vessels can become inflamed which contributes to the development of atherosclerosis. This is a condition that involves the buildup of plaque inside the arterial walls. The plaque slows down or disrupts the blood flow to the heart which can increase the risk for heart disease or heart attack.
Those who have the severe form of the disease and below 60 years are likely to develop heart disease. There are various ways to strengthen the heart through exercise, diet and stress reduction techniques.
Measures to reduce the risk
It is important to observe lifestyle modifications such as including daily exercise to boost the heart health. It is recommended to exercise for 75-150 minutes every week, depending on the intensity level of the workout.
Stress reduction and exercise goes hand in hand and can greatly benefit the cardiovascular system. Take note that stress will cause the individual to tense up and intensify the symptoms of various conditions. Physical activity can release mental and physical tension effectively.
It is important to note that the diet plays a vital role in improving the heart and can also have a positive effect on psoriasis. A diet that is heart-healthy involves cutting down on fat and sodium while consuming foods that contain healthy fats and whole grains.
The changes to include in the diet involve switching to a low-fat or fat-free dairy products, limit fried and fat-packed baked goods, choose whole grain products and focus on lean proteins.
Omega-3 fatty acids are vital for those who have psoriasis and increased risk for heart disease. The body does not produce these essential nutrients, thus they should be acquired from food.
Considerations to bear in mind
Heart disease should not be taken lightly. By being aware that an individual has an increased risk due to psoriasis is already a wake-up call. It is time to stick to a healthy lifestyle. A doctor should be consulted regarding issues about the chronic skin condition or overall heart health.