
CPR performed on the potential suspect of home invasion

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A man suspected to be involved in the home invasion received CPR. Upon the arrival of the police at the site, the resident was holding the suspect on the floor.

The tide turned in home invasion

A 19-year old man is in a serious condition in a healthcare facility after a reported home invasion on McKenzie Road in central Abbotsford. According to Sgt. Judy Bird, the police received a call to the 2300 block of McKenzie Road and upon arrival, a resident of the home was holding a male suspect on the floor.

The suspect was taken into custody and the officers discovered that he was in medical distress. The officers performed CPR until the arrival of the Abbotsford Fire Rescue Service and BC Ambulance personnel. The man was transported to a healthcare facility where he remains.

It remains unknown whether there is a connection between the residents of the house and the 19-year old man. The Independent Investigations Office (IIO) was notified to check if there was a link between any police action and the injuries to the man, but the agency did not find any connection.

During medical emergencies, timely delivery of CPR and other first-aid measures are vital.

Importance of first aid and CPR

During medical emergencies, timely delivery of CPR and other first-aid measures are vital. It has an impact on the outcome particularly the overall condition of the individual.

As a life-saving skill, CPR must be carried out as soon as possible during emergencies. It can significantly improve the chances of survival until emergency care can be provided.

For more information about this story, click here.


Learn how to help by enrolling in first aid and CPR course and for more information, check out these sources:




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