When it comes to a deltoid muscle strain, it can trigger pain at the front, side or rear part of the shoulder. It is important that you know how to handle a strain. To learn to recognize and manage muscle injuries including deltoid muscle strain, enroll in a first aid course with a credible provider near you.
There is abrupt pain in the muscle at the front part of the shoulder. The pain is generated when the arm is lifted from the side to the front while keeping it straight against resistance. It is also the same when the arm is lifted from the side up against resistance if the strain develops in the middle area or top region of the muscle.
The swelling and tenderness in which the muscle is torn can also be evident and for severe injuries, bruising can also develop. It is important to note that a rotator cuff strain usually has similar symptoms to a deltoid muscle strain and quite common, thus must be taken into consideration.

Grade 1 deltoid muscle strain
There is tightness in the muscles and the individual might be able to use the arms properly or perform press ups easily. In most cases, swelling is not present. Trying to lift the arm up sideways or to the front or back of the body will not trigger pain.
You can apply an ice pack during the first 24 hours at 15 minutes at a time and then followed by heat. The individual should steadily build up weight while exercising to stretch out the muscles. The doctor can utilize sports massage to hasten the recovery as well as use electrical stimulation or ultrasound.
Grade 2 deltoid muscle strain
The individual might not be able to use the arm properly or perform press ups. There are occasional twinges of pain during activity and swelling is present. Take note that pressing in can cause pain. When the individual lifts the arm up to the front side or back against resistance, it will cause pain.
The treatment requires application of an ice pack for 3-5 days. A sports injury professional can start the appropriate rehabilitation program. In some cases, the doctor will utilize sports massage techniques to hasten the recovery period.
Grade 3 deltoid muscle strain
The individual could not move the arm and there is severe pain. Harsh swelling can occur abruptly. If the individual contracts the muscle, it will trigger pain and there is a bulge or gap in the muscle. The individual is out of his/her sport for 3-12 weeks or more.
It is important to seek immediate medical care right away and apply the RICE method. The individual can perform static contractions as long as pain is not triggered. The doctor can utilize sports massage to hasten the recovery period. In some cases, electrical stimulation or ultrasound is also performed.