A tension headache is one of the prevalent types of headache that can cause mild to moderate pain in the head, neck and behind the eyes. In some, they feel as if there is a tight band on their foreheads.
Those who have tension headaches tend to experience them 1-2 times in a month. On the other hand, this type of headache can also be chronic that can last for more than 15 days in a month.
What are the causes?
It is important to note that tension headaches are triggered by the contractions of the muscles in the head and neck. Factors that cause these contractions include certain foods, stressors and activities. In some, they experience tension headaches when working in front of a computer for extended periods at a time. Even prolonged exposure to cold temperature can instigate a headache in some individuals. Other factors that can initiate a tension headache include eye strain, consumption of alcohol or caffeine, cold or flu, smoking, fatigue, sinus infection, emotional stress and poor posture.

Signs and symptoms of tension headache
The usual signs and symptoms include pressure around the forehead, dull pain and tenderness around the scalp and forehead. It is important to note that the pain is usually mild or moderate but can also be severe in some cases.
Management of tension headaches
If an individual is experiencing a tension headache, you can provide him/her with over-the-counter pain medications such as aspirin or ibuprofen. If you want to ease the symptoms of this type of headache, read here. The following measures can also help relieve the headache:
- Take a hot shower or bath to relax the tense muscles
- Apply a warm compress or ice pack on the head for 5-10 minutes several times in a day
- Improving the posture
- Taking regular breaks away from the computer screen
How to prevent future headaches
Tension headaches are usually caused by specific triggers. With this in mind, identifying the factors that triggers the headaches are vital in prevent future attacks. The individual should keep a headache diary to determine the cause of the headaches.
When to consult a doctor
Once the tension headache starts to affect the daily life of the individual, the doctor will carry out tests to rule out other health issues such as a brain tumor. The usual tests utilized in diagnosing other conditions include CT scan or an MRI.
In case pain medications are not effective, the doctor will prescribe the following medications:
- SSRIs or antidepressants that work to stabilize the level of serotonin in the brain as well as help the individual cope with stress
- Muscle relaxants can help stop the muscular contractions
In some cases, the doctor can also recommend other treatment options such as stress management, biofeedback, cognitive behavioral therapy and even acupuncture.
What is the outlook?
Tension headaches usually respond to treatment and hardly result to permanent damage. Nevertheless, the chronic cases can affect the quality of life. Once it becomes a serious issue, a doctor should be consulted.