Shingles is an infection triggered by the herpes zoster virus. This develops among individuals who had chickenpox where the virus present in the nerve is reactivated later in life.
It is important to note that shingles triggers a sore rash on one side of the body and can affect the ears.
Close look on the indications of ear shingles
The condition starts with a reddened and painful rash on the eardrum. It is accompanied by blisters on the external ear, ear canal, eardrum, mouth as well as the neck. The blisters might drain a watery drainage.

Facial paralysis
The virus infects the facial nerve close to the inner ear. As a result, it causes weakening of the muscles surrounding the eye and mouth. The smile of the individual appears crooked and there is difficulty in closing the eye. In addition, there are also changes in the sensation of taste along with a dry eye.
Ear issues
Swelling and infection of the inner ear structures can disrupt with balance and hearing on the side where the shingles rash is. Take note that the hearing loss is often present in 50% of cases. Oftentimes, hearing loss is permanent.
The individual might experience vertigo that can last for a few days up to weeks. If ear shingles is present, ringing sounds can be heard along with an intense pain deep within the ear. The pain typically arises a few hours prior to the rash.
A doctor should be consulted right away if any of these symptoms are present. Once treatment is initiated within 3 days, the recovery will yield a better outcome.