Bedbugs or cimex lectularius feed off on warm-blooded animals in order to survive. These wingless insects are small in size and often difficult to identify or locate. An adult bedbug can live up to 18 months without any source of food before dying. The extended period of dormancy makes bedbugs easy carriers among travelers as they visit from one location to another, thus dropping off the bugs along the way. Take note that some individuals who are highly sensitive might end up with an allergic reaction from the bites. In most cases, red-colored rashes can manifest.
How to determine if bedbugs are around
One way in order to recognize the early presence of bedbugs is the stains that they leave behind which are blood and feces. Take note that the stains from the feces are rust-like in color and difficult to remove from bedding and linens. Other things that the bugs leave behind are the dried-up shedding of their skin. Take note that this shedding might also include eggs, dried-up larvae and dead bugs. The shedding appears similar to dried-out shells of the bug. These might be found anywhere where the bugs live and travel.

Bedbugs typically thrive in mattresses and the beds of both humans and pets but they are also found in other parts of the house as well. During the early infestation, the bugs might be transmitted into the house by furniture, clothing, luggage, pets and packages.
In rare circumstances, they are transmitted via food. Since bedbugs mainly feed at nighttime, they tend to hide during the day in dark areas when there is no host around. Bedbugs are usually found in baseboards, carpeting, behind wallpaper, inside furniture and ceiling tiles which is usually 100 feet or closer to where the host sleeps. Early on, the bedbugs reside in the seams, box springs and tiny crevices of the mattresses.
Close look on bedbugs
The bedbugs are small in size and difficult to pinpoint for an untrained individual. Most bugs resemble an apple seed or lentil with an oval-shaped appearance and flattened body. Just like lice, bedbugs are slow movers and crawls rather jump onto their hosts.
Bedbugs that feed regularly off a host can live up to 9 months. During early infestations, there might be a small amount of bugs inside the house. Take note that the female bed bugs can lay up to 5 eggs in a day. These eggs are barely visible to the naked eye and can be as long as a few grains of salt. The eggs are milky in color and only take up to 2 weeks to hatch. The nymph starts to feed right away on the hosts and then start a large-scale infestation if not treated properly.
The early indication of bedbugs would prompt any homeowner to find ways to eliminate them in order to prevent infestation. An early indication of bites or any remnants is a good indication that they are spreading. It is vital to destroy the hideouts of the bedbugs to achieve the best results. It simply means eliminating infested furniture, box springs, mattresses, carpeting and other areas where bedbugs are present. It is also recommended to hire professional pest control services to completely eliminate the bugs. Take note that home remedies will not always work and infestations have a strong likelihood to recur.