Eyelid cellulitis is infection of the tissues bordering the eye. The infection might be caused by minor trauma to the area around the eye such as insect bites. In some cases, it might be due to an infection such as sinusitis.
The condition can cause redness and sore swelling of the eyelid and skin bordering the eyes. It is likely to occur among children than adults.
What are the signs?
The indications of eyelid cellulitis might include:
- Redness around the eyelid
- Swelling
- Inflamed skin around the eye
The condition can cause redness and sore swelling of the eyelid and skin bordering the eyes.
In most cases, the condition will not cause any visual issue or eye pain.
Management of eyelid cellulitis
Among older children and adults, oral antibiotics are used as part of treatment such as dicloxacillin and amoxicillin.
Children younger than 4 years of age might require hospitalization so that intravenous antibiotics are given. A warm compress can also be utilized at home to lessen the inflammation.
In some cases, there is a need to consult a doctor specializing on eye conditions if it is severe or if there is the development of orbital cellulitis. As part of treatment, intravenous antibiotics are administered. Hospitalization is required since close monitoring is necessary to ensure that the infection is not getting worse. Surgery might also be an option to lessen any pressure that builds up in or around the eye.
What is the outlook?
The outlook for an individual with eyelid cellulitis is generally good if treatment is started promptly. Once antibiotics are started, the condition improves rapidly.
After recovering, any makeup products or contact lenses used before the infection must be discarded.