Blisters are small fluid-filled pockets that forms on any part of the body. The bubbles tend to vary in size and has various causes. One can develop a blister after a burn, infection, trauma or insect bite.
Blisters generally form on the feet. Luckily, there are various home treatments that can help alleviate the discomfort and reduce the risk for recurrent blisters.
What are the causes?
If foot blisters form, friction is usually the cause. Standing or walking for several hours a day places pressure on the soles, heels and toes. The longer one stands on his/her feet throughout the day, the higher the risk for the formation of foot blisters.

In most instances, the fluid-filled blisters form from wearing ill-fitting shoes. Using shoes that fit tightly or loosely rubs against the skin. This results to friction and fluid accumulates beneath the upper layer of the skin.
Excessive sweating or moisture is also a contributing factor. This is prevalent during the warm season. The blisters form once the sweat clogs the pores in the feet. In addition, blisters might form after a sunburn.
Other possible causes of foot blisters include:
- Allergic reaction
- Frostbite
- Herpes
- Chickenpox
- Fungal infections
- Chemical exposure
- Bacterial infection
- Dyshidrotic eczema
Any blisters that form on the foot should be left intact due to the risk for infection if it opens. Covering the blister using an adhesive bandage can provide protection as it heals.
If left alone, the blister will later harden and disappear. In case it is large and causes discomfort, safely draining it can provide relief. The steps in properly draining one at home include:
- Thoroughly wash hands using antibacterial soap and warm water
- Disinfect a needle using a cotton swab with rubbing alcohol
- Clean the blister using an antiseptic.
- With a needle, create a small puncture in the blister
- Allow the fluid to fully drain from the blister
- Dab on an antibacterial cream or ointment
- Cover the blister using gauze or bandage
- Clean and reapply an antibacterial ointment daily and keep it covered as it heals
Quick Note / Disclaimer
The material posted on this page on foot blisters is for learning and educational purposes only. To learn to provide proper wound care for blisters, register for a first aid and CPR course with Saskatoon First Aid.