Cellulitis is described as a bacterial skin infection that typically affects the lower extremities including the feet which are susceptible to edema among those who have poor foot circulation such as diabetes and those who are sedentary.
The common bacterial causes of cellulitis include streptococcus pneumoniae, group A streptococcus and staphylococcus aureus. Any injuries to the foot such as athlete’s foot or cracked heels often serve as entry points for bacteria. The indications of the condition often worsen rapidly and might require medical care.
Skin symptoms of cellulitis
Foot cellulitis can cause swelling and redness. The redness can radiate up to the affected leg if the bacteria travels via the bloodstream. The presence of red-colored streaks going towards the heart also indicates the spread of infection.

In case the foot feels warm to the touch or if the skin on the foot appears reddened, blistered or slightly pitted, it indicates that cellulitis is developing. The presence of small-sized, red spots known as petechiae might be seen on top of the reddened area. In case the affected foot turns black, it indicates that serious damage to the tissue is taking place and requires immediate medical care.
It is important to note that cellulitis can trigger intense pain especially in dependent areas such as the foot in which additional fluid builds up easily from swelling. Always bear in mind that walking can cause discomfort and the skin can be tender to the touch.
Additionally, the lymph nodes in the leg might become tender to the touch if the infection spreads. Remember that repeated cellulitis in the foot can permanently damage the lymph nodes in the leg. Elevating the affected foot reduces the pain and the swelling.
What are the systemic effects?
Fever is a usual symptom as the body tries to fight off the bacteria. In case cellulitis is becoming worse or spreads from the foot up to the leg, chills can occur along with the fever. In some circumstances, individuals who have the skin condition can lead to rapid heart rate called as tachycardia and even lethargy. In addition, confusion and headaches can also occur.