Gluten intolerance or celiac disease which is considered as a rare condition can be experienced mostly by adults, especially women. Nevertheless, this condition is becoming more prevalent among adults. Women face a higher risk for developing gluten intolerance than men. Nevertheless, the proper course of treatment can be easily provided so that the individual can resume his/her normal life.
What is gluten?
It is important to note that gluten is usually present in various grains that are eaten such as barley, wheat and rye. If an individual has gluten intolerance or celiac disease, the immune system causes damage on the villi of the intestines once foods that contain gluten are eaten. Take note that these villi are considered an essential part of the digestion process and also help transport what was eaten from one point to the next. Always remember that celiac disease is basically an autoimmune disorder that develops due to the combination of certain genes as well as exposure to triggers such as frequent viral infections.
What are the symptoms?
If an individual has gluten intolerance, the individual can develop depression, fatigue, numbness, seizures, canker sores, joint pain and itchy skin. Celiac disease can also lead to iron-deficiency anemia and even bone loss. Nevertheless, both women and men often experience various symptoms. It is important to note that women are more likely to suffer from iron-deficiency anemia while men can suffer from dyspepsia, low weight and dermatitis herpetiformis.
This condition is often mistaken for a food allergy which is why the individual should undergo proper testing as well as scheduling an appointment with a doctor. In doing so, careful assessment can be done to determine the condition. You can enroll in a first aid class, you can readily manage allergies.

Connection of celiac disease and pregnancy
Women who were diagnosed with celiac disease or gluten intolerance during the time of pregnancy are more likely than the normal women to give birth to children with low birth weight as well as caesarean births. Women who have celiac disease can face a higher risk of infertility and even spontaneous abortions. If the woman has experienced pregnancy and fertility problems, it is best to undergo testing for celiac disease since many women do not show any signs at all. Early testing for celiac disease is essential so that the appropriate measures can be provided as soon as possible.
Treatment for gluten intolerance
A gluten-free diet is the ideal treatment available for women who have gluten intolerance. This simply means that barley, wheat, rye and triticale must be eliminated from the diet of the individual. It is important to note that these sources of gluten can be found in unexpected sources such as bouillon cubes and even French fries. It is vital to check every food label cautiously when shopping for food. Even eating outside must be carefully considered since some dishes served might contain gluten.