A wound is a break in the skin. A plaster or large-sized dressing is needed to stop the bleeding from a wound. Nevertheless, there might be a need to apply pressure to the area and if a leg or arm is affected, it should be raised above the level of the heart.
Prior to applying plaster or other dressing, it is vital to clean the wound first. There are measures to follow to ensure that wounds will not end up infected.
- Wash and dry hands thoroughly
- If there are any cuts on your own hands, it should be covered and use disposable gloves
- When treating the wound of another individual, you have to inform him/her what you are doing
- Always make sure that the individual is seated or lying down
- In case there are debris or particles embedded in the wound, simply leave in place until medical care is sought
- Cleanse the wound under running water, saline solution or wipe a gauze pad free from alcohol or soft cloth, but avoid using an antiseptic since it will only harm the skin
Slowly pat the area dry with a clean cloth, towel or tissue pad, but do not use anything fluffy such as a cotton wool ball in which parts of the material can end up stuck in the wound. - The cloth or gauze used should be soaked in the water or saline solution and gently pat or wipe the skin.
- Slowly pat the area dry with a clean cloth, towel or tissue pad, but do not use anything fluffy such as a cotton wool ball in which parts of the material can end up stuck in the wound.
- Place a sterile dressing such as a plaster or bandage
- In case blood penetrates through the bandage, you have to leave it in place and place another piece of bandage and continue to place direct pressure on the wound
When to seek medical care for wounds
There are circumstances in which medical care should be sought.
- The wound does not stop bleeding
- Wound is large in size or deep
- There is an object or debris embedded in the wound
- Injury to an artery or on a joint crease
- The wound is sore, red and there is drainage of pus since it indicates an infection
- It is an old wound that appears infected
- The wound was due to a bite since both animal and human bites require medical attention
Most cases of human bites are due to “closed fist injury” in which one individual punches another in the teeth and slices the hand. The usual symptoms include small-sized cuts to the hand and swollen, red and sore skin.
If the individual is uncertain how serious the injury is, it is vital to consult a doctor. If there is a large wound or a deep cut, it should be carefully examined to determine the severity. The doctor might clean the wound thoroughly before stitched up.
Tetanus vaccination
The individual should check if his/her tetanus vaccination is updated once the skin is broken or injured or bitten. In such cases, a booster shot is given by the doctor if there is a need for one.