An upper respiratory infection is any condition that triggers symptoms in the upper respiratory system. Essentially, it covers anything above the shoulders. Even coughing is included but it is generally triggered by drainage and irritation in the throat, rather than deep within the lungs. In most cases of upper respiratory infections, they are triggered by viruses such as the common cold.
What are the indications of an upper respiratory infection?
- Headache
- Congestion
- Cough
- Sore throat
- Runny nose
- Earache
What should I do?
Most cases of upper respiratory infection are triggered by viruses and eventually subside over time. There is usually no reason to consult a doctor but there are measures that can provide relief for the symptoms.

Cold and cough medications
Over-the-counter cough and cold medications can alleviate the symptoms such as cough, congestion and headache. In case medications taken do not contain a pain medication, using one can help minimize a headache, ear pain, sore throat and other discomfort caused by the illness.
Saline nasal rinse
Rinsing the sinuses is an ideal way to flush out mucus that causes discomfort during a common cold or upper respiratory infection. It is considered safe and easy to use as long as the individual uses saline solution that is pre-made or made out of distilled or boiled water.
A humidifier works by adding moisture to the air which is beneficial at night when sleeping and the air tends to be dry. The added moisture in the air from a humidifier can thin out the mucus in the head as well. This will allow the individual to sleep since he/she can breathe easily.
Increased intake of fluids
Maintaining proper hydration is vital but it is required if an individual is sick. The added hydration thins out the mucus produced by the body to promote drainage. It also keeps the airways moist to minimize irritation. Even though it will not reduce the length of the illness, make sure that the individual will not become dehydrated.
Adequate rest
Getting enough sleep and allowing the body to rest can help it heal. Pushing the body too hard when feeling sick could not allow the body to heal. Even though it is not needed to stay home away from work when the individual has an upper respiratory infection, it is better to put things aside that are not essential and ensure that he/she gets enough sleep at night.
Preventive measures
There is no vaccine or medication that can prevent an upper respiratory infection. Luckily, there are measures that can minimize the chance of acquiring one such as the following:
- Wash hands properly
- Cover the mouth while coughing
- Avoid exposure to individuals who are sick
- Avoid touching the face and eyes
- Eat a well-balanced diet
- Exercise on a regular basis
Remember that hand washing is the most important measure to observe at all times. An upper respiratory infection is considered as a common ailment and could not be prevented most of the time, but rarely serious among healthy individuals.