It is a known fact that accidental drowning can occur at the beach, in a swimming pool or even a water container. It is important to be familiar on ways to prevent drowning from occurring. You can even enroll in a first aid course that includes water safety so that you are prepared in case of emergencies.
Leading cause of death
Drowning is considered as one of the leading causes of accidental death among individuals of all ages. In most cases of drowning, the victims know how to swim but they usually swim out in the open sea, experience a cramp, panic and eventually lose control. Some victims of drowning are rescued and survive but will likely experience severe brain damage. It will only take a few minutes for a child to drown. Take note that young children can even drown in a bucket of water or in the toilet since they could not lift their heads out.
Safety precautions to bear in mind
For those who have a swimming pool at home or spending time at the beach, there are certain guidelines to bear in mind to prevent drowning from occurring.

- If there is a swimming pool at home, make sure that you will install fencing that cannot be climbed over or accessed below.
- Locking gates must be installed in the swimming pool or hot tub and always make sure that they are locked when not being used. Based on studies conducted, pools that were unlocked or have broken gates have been the cause of many drowning incidents.
- Install a pool alarm system and make sure that a pool cover is installed.
- Install a telephone close to the swimming pool.
- Do not allow anyone of any age to swim alone. Take note that even experienced swimmers can develop cramps, suffer a concussion or become dizzy while in the water.
- Do not depend on arm floaters made out of plastic or floating toys to provide full support to a child since there is a possibility that they will deflate or slip off.
- Do not leave a child unattended even if he/she has taken swimming lessons.
- Children must be taught regarding water safety rules such as no running or pushing anyone in the pool.
- Do not leave a child to stay in or close to a bathtub, swimming pool or any body of water even for a minute. Most cases of drowning among toddlers typically occur once the caregiver is distracted by chores, telephone or socializing.
- When hiring a babysitter, always inform about potential pool hazards.
- Learn CPR by enrolling in a first aid class so that you are prepared in case of drowning incidents.
Safety precautions while at the beach
It is advisable to swim parallel to and not too far from the shore so that in case of a cramp, you are not far away from the shore. When stuck in a rip current, you have to swim in a crosswise manner to the current. In case the individual is not a good swimmer or already exhausted, he/she must float on the current and signal for help.
When flotation devices are used, it is important to be careful since waves and strong currents can quickly carry one far from the shore.