If an individual has a stopped-up ear, it can be an annoyance or agonizing condition. It is vital to consult a doctor first before attempting any home treatment for ear issues in order to rule out serious infections or other health issues that require medical care. In most cases, a home remedy can be used to manage a stopped-up ear.
What are the symptoms?
A stopped-up ear can be identified by dulling noise via pain or from a sensation of fullness or pressure within the ear. Depending on the cause of the ear issue, other symptoms might be present such as ear and nasal discharge, fever and dizziness.
What are the causes?

Various conditions can lead to a sensation of a stopped-up ear. The potential causes include bacterial infections such as swimmer’s ear, excess production of ear wax, changes in the air pressure while riding an airplane and sinus problems.
Basic treatment for a stopped-up ear
You can prepare a warm compress once the initial sign of a stopped-up is present. By using a warm compress, it helps soothe various ear issues that might be responsible for the sensation of fullness, including minor ear infections and accumulation of fluid.
All you have to do is soak a washcloth in warm water and wring out the excess or simply wrap a hot water bottle with a hand towel. In every case, apply the warm compress to the affected ear to reduce the pain and promote drainage of fluid. In addition, you can utilize a chamomile tea instead of water as the compress.
Home remedy for ear wax
You have to soften the ear wax for several days before attempting to remove it. All you have to do is add a few drops of glycerin, hydrogen peroxide or mineral oil to the ear twice a day for up to 5 days. Once the wax starts to soften, utilize a bulb syringe to irrigate the ear canal using warm water.
Squirt a small amount of water into the ear, tilt the head up and wriggle the outer ear using your hands. The head should be tilted down and allow the fluid to drain and gently dry the exterior ear. You can repeat the softening and irrigating process several times if needed.
Facial exercises
If the individual experiences a stopped-up ear while travelling by airplane, he/she can yawn or chew gum to restore the balance of air pressure. Even swallowing also helps since many parents nurse or bottle-feed infants during landings and take-offs to prevent discomfort.
The plugged ears from allergy or cold can be “popped” by attempting to blow with the mouth closed while the nostrils are pinched. Take note that this method often opens up the obstructed Eustachian tubes.
Considerations to bear in mind
Do not attempt to insert anything into the ear canal to try to dig out the ear wax or “pop” any blockage. A doctor should be consulted in order to rule out serious bacterial infections or severe buildup of wax. Take note that this is vital for children who complain of stopped-up ears.