Indications of a nasal staph infection

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A nasal staph infection is caused by the Staphylococcus aureus bacterium. Generally, the presence of the bacteria in the body does not result to an infection. Most of the symptoms caused by a staph infection in the nose affect distant body parts. The infections that are brought about by the staph bacteria localized in the nose might be a combination of other symptoms at distant sites.

What are the localized symptoms of a nasal staph infection?

Nasal staph infections are considered as secondary infections after a common cold, inflammation, flu or other form of trauma to the nasal membranes that disrupts the normal initial line of defense filtering provided by the nasal passages.

Nasal staph infections are considered as secondary infections after a common cold, inflammation, flu or other form of trauma to the nasal membranes.

What are the distant skin symptoms?

The presence of the staph bacteria in the nose is staged for the auto-inoculation of distant skin sites. The symptoms of a staph infection generally include furuncles or boils, pimples, impetigo, carbuncles, abscess and cellulitis.

Indications of an invasive disease

Various invasive diseases that affect the nasal membranes are considered dangerous and requires immediate medical care.

  • Scalded skin syndrome – this is a reddened rash where the skin appears to have been scalded by hot water
  • Pneumonia – this is an infection affecting the lungs which causes fever and coughing episodes
  • Endocarditis – this is an infection that affects the inner lining of the heart.
  • Otitis media – infection of the inner ear behind the eardrum
  • Osteomyelitis – infection of the bone
  • Meningitis – infection affecting the lining that covers the brain
  • Bacteremia – this is a condition characterized by the presence of bacteria in the bloodstream
  • Toxic shock syndrome – this is a systemic infection that is brought about by wearing hyper absorbent tampons
  • Sepsis – a condition where there are bacteria in the bloodstream and other organs.

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