If a child or adult has carrot allergy, it can trigger undesirable physical effects in which some can be life-threatening. Once the consumption of carrots is continued after experiencing the symptoms, it can put one’s health at risk.
The symptoms of carrot allergy typically run their course and eventually subside in just a matter of hours. In case a severe reaction or anaphylaxis occurs, the changes in the cardiovascular and respiratory system necessitate emergency assistance right away.
What are the symptoms of carrot allergy?
Swelling and itchiness
The initial indications of carrot allergy generally occur within a few minutes after eating. During an allergic reaction, the release of histamine and other chemicals into the bloodstream triggers itchiness, swelling and migration of fluid to the mucous membranes. The following symptoms are likely to occur:
- Itching of the tongue, lips, lining of the mouth and the throat
Nausea and abdominal cramping are the characteristic symptoms particularly in the early phase. - Itchy nose and watery eyes
- Nasal congestion
- Difficulty swallowing and breathing
- Red rash that is itchy and elevated
It is important to note that those who are sensitive to birch pollen can also experience oral allergy symptoms from carrots, celery as well as other related plants during the pollination season of birch trees.
Digestive symptoms
In some cases, the digestive system reacts to the allergens within 1-2 hours. The reaction of the digestive tract usually depends on the sensitivity level of the individual, whether the carrots were cooked or raw and other foods eaten.
Nausea and abdominal cramping are the characteristic symptoms particularly in the early phase. As for a more developed carrot allergy, it can cause vomiting, stomach pain and diarrhea. The symptoms will only persist as long as the allergens remain in the body but there is a tendency for them to get worse with repeated exposure.
What happens during anaphylaxis?
On rare instances, the allergy symptoms progress rapidly until it becomes an anaphylactic shock. Unlike with the oral allergies, this condition involves the entire body.
In just a short time after eating food that contains carrots, the blood pressure of the individual can dramatically drop. The evident signs include shallow, rapid or uneven pulse and abrupt weakness. It is vital to call for emergency assistance at this point.
The circulatory changes can affect the amount of oxygen that the heart pumps to the cells in the body and the brain. Respiratory swelling that occurs prevents oxygen from reaching these areas which results to confusion, dizziness, difficulty talking and wheezing. If not treated right away, the individual can undergo fainting, respiratory arrest, cardiac arrest and even death.