It cannot be denied that the latest trends in fashion usually involve changes in hair color. Both men and women nowadays style up their hair to boost the aesthetic appeal, follow the latest trends or to simply conceal gray or white hair strands from the effects of aging. Those who are using hair dye to add color to their hair might develop an allergy to the product. It is important to note that paraphenylenediamine or PPD is present in almost all commercially produced hair dyes in the market along with peroxide. Once the two chemicals react, PPD becomes partly oxidized and colored. It is during this state in which an allergic reaction can occur.
Dermatitis is considered as the most common symptom of hair dye allergy and the risk of developing this condition increases with usage. This condition involves the inflammation of the skin along with itchiness, redness or swelling around the eyelids, hair line, ears, neck or beard. An individual who develops sensitivity to PPD will not experience the symptoms until at least 10 days after the first use of the hair dye. Future exposure to the hair dye can trigger a reaction within 6-72 hours.

Hives or urticaria involves reddened skin, red-colored patches on the body, eyelid swelling, wheezing, vomiting and difficulty swallowing. The symptoms can manifest in an hour after exposure to the hair dye that was used. Take note that urticaria can occur once PPD instigates a series of chemical reactions that eventually leads to the leakage of blood plasma into the skin.
Anaphylactic shock
An anaphylactic shock is considered as the most serious symptom of hair dye allergy. Even though this is rare, it can cause swelling in the face, drop in the blood pressure, shortness of breath and even death. An individual suffering from these symptoms must seek immediate medical care. By enrolling in a course on first aid today, you will learn the appropriate steps to take.
Perform a patch test
The ideal way to determine if an individual is allergic to PPD in hair dye is to follow the instructions included in the product. Generally, the instruction is to apply a small amount of the solution behind the ear or in the inner elbow. Wait for 48-72 hours to check if any symptoms will develop. If there are no reactions, the product is safe to use.
Treatment for hair dye allergy
The initial move is to remove the dye from the hair of the individual by washing using a mild soap or lather-free shampoo and then apply a 2% hydrogen peroxide solution. In case the scalp feels tight due to a reaction, you have to apply a damp dressing of cold olive oil and lime. If the symptoms persist, a doctor must be consulted for proper assessment and treatment of the symptoms.