Chickenpox is a transmittable ailment brought about by the varicella-zoster virus. The availability of the vaccine drastically reduced the number of cases that arises during childhood.
Infants can acquire the condition if exposed, but it is generally mild if they have passive immunity. Take note that passive immunity is when the mother passes her immunity to the child during the last trimester of pregnancy and while breastfeeding.
If the child acquires chickenpox from the mother around birth, he/she can become seriously sick.
What are the indications?

The initial signs of chickenpox among infants might include:
- Fever of around 101 – 102 degrees F
- Coughing
- Poor feeding
- Fussiness
- Sleeping more than usual
- Fatigue
The signs might manifest 1-2 days before the rash occurs. The reddened, itchy rash often starts on the torso, stomach, scalp or the face. This is followed by a generalized, all-body rash. It arises in successive waves over 2-4 days.
The rash has several phases. It initially starts as miniature reddened bumps. After a few days, these bumps turn into blisters filled with fluid. Once the blisters rupture, they seep and strikingly look like open sores. The blisters eventually scab and recuperate.
The condition can last from anywhere from 5-10 days. Since the rash arises as waves, it is likely to see blisters, bumps, scabs and open sores at the same time.
Management of chickenpox in infants
As a viral infection, chickenpox is not treated with antibiotics. In case a bacterial infection develops around the blisters, the doctor might prescribe antibiotics.
A bacterial infection can be prevented by placing mittens on the hands of the child and keeping the nails clipped. After bathing, pat the skin dry to lessen the irritation on the rash.
A child who is at risk for complications is given an antiviral medication. This is necessary if the child was born prematurely or if he/she has a compromised immune system.
Other treatment options for chickenpox are aimed on keeping the child comfortable such as:
- Lessen the itchiness by applying calamine lotion or an oatmeal bath
- Make sure that the child is properly hydrated
- Adequate rest for the child
What is the outlook?
The chickenpox vaccine can greatly lessen the outbreaks. Infants might still acquire the virus. If a child is suspected with the condition, a doctor must be consulted right away.