Inner knee pain

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Knee pain is an indication of various knee injuries or conditions. Inner knee pain might arise due to deterioration of the cartilage or after sustaining trauma to the joint.

Common causes of inner knee pain

There are various causes of inner knee pain. Most cases are due to injuries. Some of the usual accidents that can result to knee injury include collisions, falls or increased activity.

Adults and the elderly over 60 years are likely to experience knee pain. Nevertheless, inner knee pain can also affect children or teenagers. Among children, the usual causes include patellar tendonitis, patellar subluxation and tibial apophysitis.


Inner knee pain
There are various causes of inner knee pain. Most are associated to injuries. Some of the usual accidents that can result to knee injury include collisions, falls or increased activity.

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition where the cartilage breaks down, causing the bone in the joints to grind together. If there is inner knee pain when placing pressure on a joint such as climbing upstairs or sitting on a chair, it might be a sign of osteoarthritis. Since the pressure triggers the pain, the symptoms might worsen as the day goes by.

Rheumatoid arthritis

This is an autoimmune disease that results to inner knee pain. Since it triggers inflammation in the joints, individuals with the condition might have intense inner knee pain in the morning and subsides throughout the day.

Medial collateral ligament injury

This injury occurs when placing force on the outer knee such as in contact sports. The usual indications of this injury include swelling, locking knees, instability while walking or standing and popping sound at the time of injury.

Medial meniscus injury

This injury occurs if when rotating or placing pressure on the knee, usually in athletic activities or sports.

Pes anserine bursitis

If overusing the bursa or irritation occurs, it releases extra fluid that results to swelling and pressure on the knee.

Medial plica irritation

The condition is brought about by overuse, especially if the knee is flexed repeatedly. As a result, the plica or small folds in the joint lining thicken and end up stuck between the bones.

Knee contusion

If an individual sustains a direct strike to the knee, knee contusion occurs. Furthermore, this can cause pain depending on the site that was struck.


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