If an adult ends up with a knocked-out tooth, it is recommended to put it back in place and bring him/her straight to a dentist. Do not attempt to reinsert a baby tooth but simply bring the child to a dentist right away.
In cases where an adult tooth could not be placed back into position, place it in milk and get in touch with a dentist. If the tooth is chipped, set an appointment with a doctor so that the tooth is filled or smoothed down.
How to deal with a knocked-out tooth
- You have to find the tooth
- Hold on the crown
- Cleanse the tooth in water if it is dirty
- Position it into its spot (only in adult teeth)
- Bite into a hankie to secure the tooth in place
If an individual has a broken tooth, find the fragment and store it in milk and go to a dentist as soon as possible. - Go to a dentist
The earlier a knocked-out tooth is restored in place; it is possible for it to embed back into the gum.
What happens in the clinic?
Once the tooth is placed back in its spot, the dentist will check if it is in the right position by inspection and getting an X-ray. The dentist will splint it on the teeth on either side to secure in place for 2 weeks. Splinting is a method that briefly fastens the tooth to secure it in place.
If the tooth of a child is placed in milk and taken to a dentist, the affected area is numbed and the tooth is repositioned. The dentist will check if it is in the right location by getting an X-ray before splinting.
Broken or chipped tooth
If an individual has a broken tooth, find the fragment and store it in milk and go to a dentist as soon as possible. The dentist might be able to affix the fragment back on to the tooth.
In case the fragment could not be found, the dentist will utilize a tooth-colored filling to restore your chipped tooth up. If a region of a back tooth is damaged, it might need a filling or a crown.
Once a tooth is significantly damaged and the nerves are exposed, it might be sensitive and might even require root canal treatment. This involves the removal of the nerve and application of a root filling.