Lead poisoning has been an issue when it comes to old houses. In the recent years, the usual risk factors for lead poisoning include spending time in a house built before 1950 or built before 1978 and being remodeled. Remember that developing this type of poisoning usually depends on a case-to-case basis.
Close look on lead paint
Lead is a heavy metal that has been utilized for a long time such as in pots, cosmetics, water pipes and paint. Lead was also added to gas back in the 1920s to increase the octane level in gasoline, thus making it function better.
Lead can also be utilized as a pigment. An example is lead carbonate which is white paint made from lead, carbon dioxide and vinegar. It has also been utilized in various classical European oil paintings.

It is sad to note that lead is toxic in nature. It is responsible for causing harm and poisoning many throughout the years.
What are the risks of lead paint?
A house that was built after 1950 and not being remodeled is not likely a big risk factor than another home that is being remodeled. Even though houses built before 1950 and between 1950 and 1978 might have lead paint in them, the oldest houses pose the highest risk. This is due to the fact that older houses are expected to be in a state of deterioration, resulting to the scatter of lead contaminated paint chips and dust that can be swallowed by young children. The lead concentration of the paint in houses built before 1950 is likely to be higher than newer houses.
Remember that a child might be still at risk if the house was built between 1950 and 1978 though. When these houses are remodeled, the lead paint is disturbed and can put the child at risk for lead poisoning.
Potential risks in old houses
Aside from lead paint, older houses can also put children at risk due to the old lead plumbing which results to high level of lead in the water. Take note that lead was utilized in some water service lines and household plumbing materials including lead fixtures, pips and solder until 1986.
How to stay safe
One way to ensure that children are safe from lead pain among those who live in old apartments or houses or those that were built earlier than 1978, is to have an examination for the presence of lead paint or a risk evaluation for lead paint.
The contractor can also help keep the family safe when an old house is under renovation. Always remember that children might be at danger for lead poisoning if they play in the ground surrounding an old house that might be polluted with exterior paint. The risk is reduced by not allowing children to play in the dirt and observing regular hand washing.