Shark bites are known to cause significant skin and tissue damage. It is important to note that sharks possess several rows of sharp, triangular, serrated teeth. Sustaining a bite from a shark can result to massive tissue loss due to the strong biting force of the creature. Generally, most bites result to cuts that are shallow or punctures which do not involve damage to the nerves or blood vessels.
Remember that all shark bites, even a minor one necessitates medical care. First aid involves cleansing of the wound and controlling the bleeding on site. Antibiotics might be given to prevent infection. The doctor might also decide to suture the wounds and fix any deep tissue damage if present.
What should I do?
When dealing with shark bites, make sure that the bleeding is controlled by applying direct pressure. Try to keep the individual calm. Make sure that the individual is kept warm as well.
For a minor wound, it should be washed using water and soap and covered with clean dressing before seeking medical care. For serious cases of shark bites, call for emergency assistance right away.

Medical care for shark bites
The treatment for shark bites is based on the seriousness of the injury. If the injury is serious with significant bleeding, the treatment is aimed on stabilizing the airway, breathing and circulation.
Oxygen therapy might be needed along with intravenous fluids and even a blood transfusion. In case there is tissue loss, or a major wound, cleaning or debridement might be necessary in the operating room.
Wound infection can be prevented by aggressive cleaning which is started during the irrigation of the wound. Antibiotics are given as a prophylactic measure to lower the risk for infection.
More Information / Disclaimer
The information posted on this page on shark bites is for learning purposes only. Learn to manage this type of bite by taking a standard first aid course with Saskatoon First Aid.