Measures to deal with a bloated belly

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A bloated belly is usually the result of festivities that involves several rounds of parties especially during the Christmas season. Aside from the bloated sensation, it can be accompanied by sharp pain, heartburn, stomach cramping and even hiccups as the body searches for a way to release the excess gas in the digestive tract.

How to prevent a bloated belly

Try to slow down

Even though one might be eager to chow down on favorite holiday dishes, eating in a quick manner increases the risk for a bloated belly. Many individuals do not chew their food properly, thus it simply means that it will not be digested as it should be. In addition, an individual ends up swallowing more air while eating fast, which adds up to the bloating.

Bloated belly
Aside from the bloated sensation, it can be accompanied by sharp pain, heartburn, stomach cramping and even hiccups as the body searches for a way to release the excess gas in the digestive tract.

Limit the food portions

Remember that the more an individual eats, the fuller the belly becomes. Based on studies, it reveals that the serving sizes has a lot to do with a bloated belly. If the individual can control on his/her serving size and sticking with smaller portions, the risk for eating mindlessly is avoided. When eating in parties, it is recommended to sit down while eating and use a smaller plate.

Be prepared with a plan

If possible, the individual should bring along healthy foods and appetizers. In doing so, he/she is less likely to reach out for unhealthy food options. Another tactic is to decide ahead of time the amount of bread, alcohol and desserts desired.

Placing a limit puts the individual in charge and allows to work towards a goal. With these limits in mind, the individual will surely consider while standing in front of the dessert table. Usually, one will leave a party without a bloated belly after.

Avoidance of food triggers

Even though the triggers vary for each individual, cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and Brussels sprouts are culprits for gas formation. Many individuals are already aware of their triggers, but for most cases, refined sugars and processed foods are still triggers whether they realize it or not.

If an individual eats more of these trigger foods than normal or not used to eating them, it is likely for him/her to end up with a bloated belly.

Avoid bubbly beverages

Bubbly beverages such as beer, champagne and sparkling cider can cause bloating. Actually, any carbonated beverages must be avoided. It is recommended to drink more water instead to help flush out the system.

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