Sunburn is a usual skin reaction after prolonged exposure to the sun. This typically occurs during the summer season when many individuals spend long hours at the beach. Unless there are blisters or other indications of a second-degree burn, sunburns usually heal on their own after a few days. If the individual experiences intense pain, severe swelling or blisters, a doctor should be consulted for proper assessment as well as treatment.
When dealing with facial sunburn, cooling down the skin on the face is the main objective. All you have to do is to fill the bathroom sink or large bowl with cool water. Instruct the individual to close his/her eyes and hold breath and immerse the face in the water and hold for a few seconds.

In case there is no access to water or the individual is uncomfortable with this process, you can utilize a soft towel soaked in cool water and pat softly on the face. You can combine equal parts of milk and water since this can also help. You can add Burow’s solution which is readily available in pharmacies into the mix.
Natural remedies
Another method to manage facial sunburn is readily found in the kitchen. All you have to do is to create a paste of tomato and cucumber puree. Combine with some lemon juice and apply over the burned area. Take note that this is highly beneficial if the skin feels hot and sensitive. Avoid applying on the eye area since lemon can cause a burning sensation if it enters the eyes. In addition, you can also use yogurt for the sunburn and even better if mixed with rosewater.
Once the initial heat has reduced, you have to keep the skin moisturized to promote healing. If the face is peeling, softly scrub using a cotton cloth moistened with cool water. You can also utilize a face scrub but choose one that is not rough so that it will not worsen the burning sensation. After scrubbing, dab on a mild facial cream or pure aloe vera gel. You can utilize the gel using a fresh leaf if a plant is available. All can slice it open and rub directly on the skin.
Over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen can help minimize the swelling, inflammation and pain right after sustaining facial sunburn. A doctor should be consulted if these over-the-counter medications are suitable to use or if in doubt on how to use the medications.
During the summer season or any time of the year where prolonged exposure to the sun could not be avoided, it is important to use protective gear such as a hat with a wide brim as well as sunglasses for the eyes. Do not forget to apply a sunscreen specifically for the face to prevent sunburn from developing.