A neck rash has a variety of causes. In most cases, the rash is often accompanied by other indications such as tenderness and dry or peeling skin. Generally, a rash might develop from a skin condition or reaction to irritating substances.
Heat rash
A heat rash is a usual cause of a neck rash. This form of rash is triggered by excessive sweating during warm weather. Generally, perspiration evaporates on its own, but in harsh conditions, the perspiration might be trapped beneath the skin and causes the sweat glands to become clogged.

Prickly or itchy skin, reddened bumps, inflammation and reduced sweating of the site can occur from blocked sweat glands. Aside from the neck, the rash might also form in the upper chest, elbows and beneath the breasts.
Can dermatitis cause a neck rash?
Dermatitis is characterized as inflammation of the skin due to exposure to allergens, irritants as well as health conditions and genetics.
The usual allergens and irritants that cause a neck rash include jewelry, cosmetics, detergents, soaps and perfume. Aside from the rash, there is itchiness, tenderness and pain in the neck.
Psoriasis is a skin condition that is brought about by issues with the immune system. This condition affects the life cycle of the skin cells and results to irritation.
Generally, the skin cells require a month amid development and shedding, but psoriasis initiates the quickening of this progression. As an outcome of the accelerated turnover of the skin cells, irritation arises in the form of dry, cracked skin, soreness, itchiness, rashes and scaly skin.
Psoriasis can trigger direct symptoms including neck rash that might extend to the scalp.