First Aid Saskatoon is able to provide all individuals and businesses with workplace approved AED CPR training courses/re-certifications. This article will focus on the open wounds component of workplace approved first aid and CPR training as offered by Saskatoon First Aid. Hands-on training and skill development is included in all first aid courses and candidates will learn to use first aid supplies found in basic first aid kits. This post will outline how to use the supplies to manage open wounds.
Before commencing with any first aid, be sure to apply gloves then proceed to wash the wounded area with soap and warm water. Then follow up by applying clean dressing (gauze pads) and control bleeding by applying direct pressure. Then put broad bandages over the the dressings in order to maintain pressure on the wound. After doing so, you must then wash your hands properly with soap and warm water. Then inform the person signs of infection to be wary of. If the individual has an impaled object in the wound then you must keep the object in place and utilize bulky dressings in order to stabilize it. Furthermore, control the bleeding by bandaging the dressings already in place around the object. If the individual suffered from a nosebleed, then have the person sit with their head slightly forward while pinching their nostrils for a period of 10-15 minutes. If after this allotted time then have the person seek medical aid. Eye injuries should be treated with extreme care. If there is an impaled object, leave it there and put sterile dressing around it and stabilize it so that it does not move around and thus increasing damage. If the individual has a foreign object that is not impaled then suggest them blink several times to try and wash it out. First clean away any excess dirt in the eye region and gently flush the eyes with water. If there is an eye-wash station present then use it. If the eyes experienced a flash burn due to welding then cover the eyes with a cool and wet cloth as you seek medical attention. If one experiences ear injuries such as bleeding, then apply pressure. If there is a foreign object then pull down on the ear lobe, tilt the head towards the affected side while gently shake the head to remove the object. If this procedure does not dislodge the object then leave it alone and then seek medical aid. If blood or other fluids are draining from the ear then call EMS immediately, let the ear drain and cover it lightly with sterile dressing. For additional information, please contact First Aid Saskatoon for training classes for workplace approved CPR AED courses.