Mumps is a contagious ailment brought about by the paramyxovirus. Back then when immunization was not available, mumps typically occurs during childhood. Even though the condition is generally mild, serious complications might arise.
What are the indications?
The indications of mumps are usually mild. Generally, many individuals who develops mumps are not even aware that they are infected. The symptoms do not arise immediately but occur from 16-25 days after being infected.

The distinctive indication of mumps is sore swelling of the salivary glands beneath the ear. The swelling which is called as parotitis can occur on one or both sides of the face. Nevertheless, fewer than half of those who are infected by the virus have this symptom.
If the symptoms arise, it might include:
- Fever
- Appetite loss
- Muscle aches
- Fatigue
Among those who have parotitis, these symptoms might arise and last a few days before swelling occurs. A usual complication among older boys is orchitis or inflammation of the testicles but this rarely leads to sterility.
Management of mumps
There is no available treatment but it simply allowed to run its course. The treatment is aimed on alleviating the symptoms to make the individual comfortable as possible and includes the following:
- Increase the intake of fluids
- In case the glands are swollen and results to discomfort, the application of an ice pack or heating pad can reduce the pain.
- Pain medications such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen can be given to lower the fever and ease the discomfort due to the swollen glands.
Mumps can be prevented with the effectiveness of the MMR vaccine. Children are generally vaccinated against the condition between 12-15 months of age and another dose between the ages of 4-6 years.