Possible causes of rib pain

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Always bear in mind that the ribs and rib cage are affixed to the spine, any kind of problem in the spine can possibly lead to rib pain. Always bear in mind that thoracic spine is considered common as with low back or neck pain. In most cases of thoracic pain, it is usually a result of postural strain and the causes of pain in the ribs include fractures, muscle strains, cartilage inflammation and subluxation of the thoracic vertebra or rib.


A fractured rib can trigger rib pain after sustaining a direct blow on the chest or a fall. This can disrupt with normal breathing and cause piercing pain during movement and must be carefully assessed by a doctor.

The risk for fractures increases if the individual has osteoporosis. If the individual sustained a compression fracture, it can occur in the thoracic spine which can affect the vertebra and rib articulation and trigger rib pain.

Muscle strain

Rib pain
A fractured rib can trigger rib pain after sustaining a direct blow on the chest or a fall.

The strain on the intercostal muscles can develop if the muscle is pushed more than its capability which commonly occurs in lifting or transferring heavy objects or a result of a strenuous event or repetitive use. Always bear in mind that the intercostal muscles are positioned in between the ribs and usually tender to the touch if they are affected as well.

Cartilage inflammation

Costochondritis is known to trigger front rib pain on both sides of the sternum. If the pain from the inflamed cartilage only occurs on one side, it is known as Tietze’s syndrome. Even today, there is no known cause for the inflammation, but it is believed to be the result of trauma to the costal cartilage.

Rib and vertebral subluxation

When it comes to a vertebral subluxation, the vertebra does not have correct alignment with the vertebrae above and below which results to muscle spasms, diminished range of motion and neurological irritation.

In case the vertebra loses its normal range of motion and position, it can lead to misalignment in the rib joint and refer pain to the rib cage. Always bear in mind that the pain can radiate throughout the intercostal nerves which is called as intercostal neuritis. This can also be caused by shingles which is caused by the herpes zoster virus.

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